Few years ago I wrote for my own amusement the first version of this pic. This image is generated « on the fly » with datas extract from the Dx Cluster .
The goal is to provide a graphical view of the ham radio activity on all HF bands, 6m and 2m band.
What infos ares displayed?
The datas are provide from the lasts 250 dx spots.
– the number of spots on each band
– a bargraph relative to the umount of spots for each band
– if the bar is bleue, that’s mean that the activity on the band is normal or less.
– if the bar is yellow, the activity of the band is above the normal.
– derivated rate of the dx spots (average/hour).
– some informations about the sun like SFI and SSN .
– the 4 lasts dx spots
How « normal » band activity is estimated?
For each band a statistic spot/mn indice was estimated from more than 3 millions of dxspots. This amount of spots were collected on the cluster network other the pasts 3 years.
By this way, the actual activity of a band is compare with the « normal » activity estimated earlier. Some weighting have to be done, because of the time dependent activity of each band (ie: 80m is more active during the night than in the daylight).
How to insert this image in a web page?
Copy and past this simple code:
<img src= »http://cluster.f5len.org/sun/band_rate.php » width= »260″ height= »257″>
Dx cluster is a great tool, but remember that the best way to dxing is L I S T E N I N G!
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